Found: 2
Daughter's Penalty

This game tells the story of an 18 year old lady. There was a family around her, however her father died and her mother was married to some different man. He`s a bald guy with the tendency to be sadistic. He enjoys penalizing his female offspring who he has adopted. One night, the mother is absent for Delma. The foster father appears in immediately. he holds his female offspring with the hairand drags her to the basement. there`s the BDSM Sex Machine. The foster father attaches his female offspring to this device and starts to spank the girl`s gorgeous buttocks. He then throws it onto the dirty pad. The swell immediately begins to fuck the female offspring who is just starting out in herpink cunt. The daddy is armed with a thick cock, which causes the woman with plenty of pain and tears. The daddy however, picks up the vibrator and starts to smack the woman`s tummy. The girl has not experienced sexual harassment and is screaming in discomfort. Would you like to know what happened next? Make love right now.

Inhaled by a Tranny

This story, which is short and exciting, starts as a dream A hunky student is given an amazing blow from a cute chick. Everything appears to be perfect... but just until the victim discovers that the cute chick isn`t really the chick! This is because another was a sexy victim who fell into the trap! But is it really so terrible after all? To know the exact the response of our hero should go through this short film, but there`s an even more important issue - what would your reaction be should you encounter such a situation? Although the probability of having a similar experience isn`t too high, you can still imagine yourself in the position of the student who is a sexy one to give yourself some ideas to consider.

Found: 2